What every bull dreams of!
We’ve churned up our newest flavour FIELD OF FLOWERS to celebrate the DVD & Digital release of Ferdinand! It’s a green-coloured banana lolly gelato with rainbow flower sprinkles, inspired by the flower field that the lova-bull Ferdinand enjoys smelling and running through!
It’s an #unbullievable flavour – you have to try it to bull-ieve it ? #enoughpunsfortheday #sorrynotsorry
But wait, there’s more…
These school holidays, we want YOU to be your truest self and enter our Ferdinand colour-in competition! Just visit any of our stores, ask for a colour-in sheet at the counter, take it home, unleash your creativity and bring it back before April 22nd to enter the competition and before April 30th to redeem a FREE scoop with any size gelato purchase!
Remember to include your full name on the front and a contact number on the back for the store to contact you if you’ve won!
The ONE winner from each store would win a home entertainment prize pack including:
- 1 x 1L gelato tub
- 1 x Ferdinand DVD
- 1 x Ferdinand Flower Tin
- 1 x Ferdinand Book
Competition T&C’s apply, click here to read them!
Field of Flowers is available in all stores from Monday 2nd April for a limited time only!